It’s finally time for that obligatory post about the things I wish I knew before coming to [insert foreign country]. In hindsight, I should have made this post a long time ago, maybe during my …

Living through a Pandemic in Another Country
“Covid-19 in Japan? Where? The pandemic’s over!” It’s a morbid joke some of my friends and I have taken to saying these days, in part to lighten the situation and to express our frustration. We …

Quiet vs Bustling
Originally published on 2019/08/27 My apartment is in a mostly residential neighborhood. It’s a far cry from the bustle of Nishi-shinjuku and its nightly sirens. I really don’t know how to feel about this drastic …

Mind Your Own Business
Originally published on 2019/08/19 One thing I’ve always admired about Japan and its people is how efficient the country runs. Obviously, the train system is amazing. The turnstile that reads the IC card never (or …

Getting My Shit Straight
Originally published on 2018/12/31 It’s around 9 p.m., so it’s only a few hours till midnight. It’ll be 2019, a new year. Another year, another chance. To get my shit straight and accomplish the things …

Act on Life or It Will Act on You
Originally published on 2018/12/08 I tried reading self-help books. I really did. But they just never captured my attention — except for this one book on career change that I found in a secondhand bookshop. …